
Invitation for visit AsiSomos!

0:02 / Publicado por Cêz /


Hello, friend! How are you? I´m Cêz, the administrator of blog AsíSomos!, the motive of this email is for know your opinion about AsiSomos!I, would be grateful if you concede me a few minutes of your time answering the following mini-test:

All information will be strictly confidential and will be used for know the opinion of visitors about AS! blog

  • What's your name and where are you from? And you tell me a little of you and your personality.
  • Which was your first impression of the blog?
  • How frequently do you come to visit AS!? What another blog or page of thematic also do you visit?
  • What seem to you the films of blog? Which is your favorite and why?
  • What else do you see or do you read of blog? LGTB's news? Comments? Chat?
  • Do you read the AS! blog using a translator? What language?
  • Last question, would you improve something? What would be?

That's everything, hey, without forgetting to send back your answer to my email: and if you doubt, with pleasure I answer them to you. Ah and you do not forget the AS! invitation in your mail. Take care and thank you for your valuable opinion!.

Your friend Cêz

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